On the first day of the 116th Congress, a cross-partisan group of House members introduced a Constitutional amendment to combat corruption, empower voters over donors, and secure the equal rights of Americans to effective representation and participation in self-government. (Text of the proposed amendment and more background here).
Former United States Senator Alan Simpson, a Republican who represented the people of Wyoming for two decades, and a member of American Promise’s National Advisory Council, issued the following statement:
“Unlimited money in politics is the number one problem America faces today; until we solve this, we cannot solve other big challenges. That’s why I commend the cross-partisan led sponsorship of the proposed Constitutional amendment for effective and reasonable regulation of money in our political system. This will protect the integrity of our elections, ensure that all Americans are represented and have a voice, and protect our cherished First Amendment rights. I urge Republican members of Congress, and all members of the House and Senate from across the aisle, to work together to pass this Constitutional amendment as soon as possible, and send it to the states for ratification.”
The proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution, H.J. Res. 2, secures the right of Americans to enact laws to regulate spending in elections, reversing the concentration of political influence held by the wealthiest Americans, large corporations, big unions and special interests that have spent billions of dollars in recent elections. American Promise is the national, cross-partisan leader of the campaign for the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and has thousands of members in every state. American Promise worked closely with lead sponsors of the proposed amendment, Congressmen Ted Deutch (D-FL), John Katko (R-NY), Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD), and is committed to uniting Americans across partisan lines to support ratification of the 28 th Amendment.