American Promise is bringing together Americans from across political parties to pass and ratify the For Our Freedom Amendment.
Constitutional amendments are such an integral part of the Constitution that we cannot describe the Constitution without thinking about amendments. Our Constitution opens with the phrase “We the People.” It has literally – not symbolically – been shaped by the people who demand, debate, and push amendments through the arduous Article V process of a ⅔ vote in Congress and ratification in ¾ of the states so as to improve and adapt the Constitution to their needs.
The history of amending the US Constitution consists of four brief amendment eras that have occurred roughly every 50 years since the Constitution was adopted.
In fact, millions of Americans alive today participated in winning constitutional amendment campaigns: four constitutional amendments were passed during the last amendment era, between 1961-1971*.
We believe a new amendment era is upon us. Circumstances leading up to each prior amendment era were fraught with national anxiety, division and toxicity. Americans approach the 250th anniversary of our Independence in 2026 feeling the same way:
Yet, there is plenty of hope. Past moments of civic unrest have spurred amendments that overruled unjust Supreme Court decisions, and now is such a time.
Americans have faced binary decisions that required constitutional solutions: slavery or freedom, suffrage for women or continued disenfranchisement, elect senators or leave it to state legislatures, support poll taxes or abolish them.
Today, our choice is equally fundamental: either grant Americans the authority to implement anti-corruption laws or don’t.
Passing a constitutional amendment is the necessary and permanent solution to the problem we face. We will need to have millions of Americans with us, active in all 50 states.
Americans looking to make a difference fuel American Promise and our strategy to pass the For Our Freedom Amendment. Winning is going to take citizens from all 50 states – 23 states have called on Congress to propose the amendment so far.
The success of our campaign does not depend on Washington lobbyists — it depends on citizen unity and action: We the People, speaking up and taking action where we live.
That’s why we are working in all 50 states to gather active support for the For Our Freedom Amendment. Once the amendment passes votes in Congress, it is sent to the States for ratification. We’ll need all the momentum and support we can muster in every state to make sure the amendment is ratified and becomes part of the US constitution.
American Promise provides tools, connection and training so everyone can make a difference in their communities and for their country.
The For Our Freedom Amendment is not for Democrats or Republicans. It’s for us. With 77% of Americans supporting a constitutional amendment, and millions of us taking action, we will succeed – together.
More and more Americans from across the political spectrum are growing frustrated with out-of-control political corruption and dysfunction. American Promise is building a non-partisan citizen action campaign for a constitutional amendment that will protect free speech and bring reasonable, transparent and accountable rules for how money is used to influence elections.
Today, nearly every American says “government is run by a few big interests looking out for themselves, not for the benefit of the people.” With the For Our Freedom Amendment, we will restore government of, for and by the people.
The Constitution gives Americans a tool to protect our rights when our freedom is threatened: the amendment process. Eight of our 27 amendments so far corrected Supreme Court decisions that compromised the Constitution. Now that the Court made the mistake of inventing a new “right” of the wealthy to spend unlimited (often secret) money in elections, we must act again. No state legislature or Congress can fix it without an amendment. It is up to us.
The For Our Freedom Amendment has has super-majority support across the partisan spectrum and unifies America. Over 90% of Americans believe that government only represents a few big interests, not the good of the people or the country. While we have lost faith in the corrupted system, we have a huge opportunity to fix it for good: three out of four Americans support the For Our Freedom constitutional amendment. We can fix the problem and unify the country by working together to get it done.
A constitutional amendment is the foundational reform we need. The For Our Freedom Amendment is the key to fixing a broken system that makes high-dollar donors more powerful than every other American. It offers a lasting, constitutional solution to protect free speech and the equal right of every American to representation and a vote that counts.
© 2025 American Promise