Minnesota State Pledge

I join the overwhelming majority of Minnesota to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with Minnesota, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

1General Information
2Sign The Pledge

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State of Minnesota

Take a stand with American Promise and the people of Minnesota!

Minnesota citizens are joining Americans across the nation to come together and stand up to outside money and to keep state decisions in our own hands. Join us today by signing the pledge.
Stand with Minnesota

Money is power, and when in the hands of few, it undermines democracy. It has become clear that the only way to restore the American Promise of Fair and Equal Representation is by passing an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Arne Carlson
Stand with Minnesota

Our Accomplishments

From our Minnesota team:

We can’t have a strong Republic without a robust, free and fair democratic process. We need to be able to set limits on how much can be spent to influence our elections and policies. We cannot do that without passing and ratifying an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Join The MN Facebook Group

Minnesota State Lobby Day 2020
MN State Lobby Day 2020, Introduction of resolution in MN State Senate photo with MN State Senator Scott Jensen on the day he introduced SF 4368 into the 91st Legislature.

National Lobby Day meeting May 4th, 2021 – meeting with Senator Smith’s Outreach Director, Jake Schwitzer – where we thanked her for her support.

Minnesota cities or counties that have passed resolutions: 

Chaska City Council, North Oaks City Council, New Brighton City Council, Sherburne County Board of Commissioners, Lauderdale City Council, Minneapolis City Council, St. Paul City Council, Duluth City Council.

Almost 500 Pledges of cross-partisan support for amendment signed by attendees at Wright and Carver County Fair.

Presentations, whether in person or remote, continue to be a great way to educate and recruit volunteers.  Need a speaker? Please fill out the request here

Photo of us with MN State Senator Steve Cwodinski at the Eden Prairie AM Rotary presentation in June 2022.

Our Details

Minnesota & American Promise

According to a report from January of this year from Americans for Tax Fairness, Billionaires are spending 39 times more on Federal elections since the Citizens United Supreme Court decision in 2010. The report finds that almost 40% of all billionaire campaign contributions made since 1990 occurred during the 2020 season.
Sign the Citizen Pledge today!
Sign the Citizen Pledge today to send a clear message to your legislators in support of the For Our Freedom Amendment.

Who Are We?

We are Minnesotans from all walks of life and political viewpoints coming together to secure our freedom and ensure a government Of The People, free of the undue influence of outside money in our elections and policies.

We are all volunteers – Democrats, Republicans, and everything in between – with no agenda other than enabling our elected officials to fully represent their constituents.

How Do I Get Involved? Americans make big reform and renewal happen in historic moments of crisis, as we now are experiencing. But it doesn’t happen without Americans willing to step up to help drive that change. The success of our campaign does not depend on Washington lobbyists or online petitions — it depends on citizen unity and action: We the People, speaking up and taking action where we live.
For Our Freedom Amendment

The For Our Freedom Amendment exists to put the power back in the hands of the American people. Minnesota citizens and elected officials are currently powerless to stop the billionaires and foreign forces from buying our elections and influencing our policies. This reform will put the rights of the people before the privileges of the super-wealthy, corporations, unions, and super PACs.

American Promise

The people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government and to reform, alter, or totally change the same when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.

Alexander Hamilton
Founding Father of the United States
Minnesota News

Latest News & Updates

American Promise statement in response to the introduction of HF 2225 and SF 2517 in...

Good news!! A bill that calls on Congress to propose a Constitutional amendment to end big money in politics has been introduced in the Minnesota State Senate. It has already passed through its first committee – and was referred to the Rules Committee for review.

American Promise citizen leaders across the nation are using a step-by-step strategy to effect important...