American Promise is a cross-partisan organization committed to a singular vision: ratifying the For Our Freedom Amendment to empower the states and Congress to set reasonable limits on political spending, ensuring every American voice counts.
When the decisions that affect our lives are determined by a powerful few, making rules that do not serve us, our families, our communities, or our nation — we are not free.
We are here to restore the American promise of self-determination, opportunity, and the ability to create a better future for all.
Join us – we will amend the constitution For Our Freedom.
Representative government of the people, with checks and balances, and free and fair elections, is the American way—not aristocracy, monarchism, dictatorship or one-party rule. When those with massive concentrated wealth can use that wealth to control elections, candidates and government policy, pushing aside the voice and interests of most Americans, we do not have equal rights or representative self-government.
We will amend the constitution for equal rights.
When the elite donor class turns state and local elections into an ugly and divisive contest of the two parties, more and more Americans who would offer honest and fair service stay away, and neighbor is turned against neighbor.
As citizens, in all of our states and communities, every American has something to offer. It’s time to end pay-to-play politics and give the power and voice back to We The People.
When corruption creates a top-heavy system where the largest players use concentrated wealth to shift the rules in their favor, trust and freedom break down, and innovation and creativity is stifled, whether in the economy, arts, science, or across our lives. We will amend the constitution to protect our freedom to create, invent and try anew.
We have the strength, shared values, and the responsibility to take back our right to self-govern; it’s up to us to make a lasting change.
But in our political system, a few big donors call the shots. Turning Congress into a millionaire’s club. The two parties rig the rules to prevent competition and choice, and the biggest corporations in the world can “pay-to-play”, tilting the playing field against small business every time.
We will amend the Constitution to end uncompetitive, corrupt pay-to-play politics, level the playing field, and renew the American Promise for all.
© 2025 American Promise
Today we are celebrating a significant victory: Utah became the 23rd state to urge Congress to propose an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that gives states the power to control their own elections.
You can help make Utah’s victory a tipping point in our fight to address the crisis of money in politics. Legislatures in several other states are considering resolutions in support of an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Can you chip in $5, $10, $25 or $50 today to help us deploy additional resources to move these states to be “ready to ratify”?