I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with all Americans, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

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Pursuant to Section 2(3) of 21-A MRSA § 1064 (“Ballot Question 2”), the Maine Commission on Governmental Ethics and Election Practices (the “Ethics Commission”) is charged with issuing an annual report...
Updated April 2024: American Promise has submitted a working paper to the American Bar Association Task Force for American Democracy, recommending a constitutional amendment to address the problem of money in American elections

Over the past five decades, the judiciary has created a campaign finance system that would...

American Promise, Legal
State Senators Jim Rubens (R-NH) and Rick Bennett (R-ME) submitted written testimony before the Committee on House Administration entitled “American Confidence in Elections: Protecting Political Speech.”

By Brian Boyle, American Promise Senior Counsel This week, the Supreme Court issued its opinion...


American Promise Scholarship Competition: The Search for Our Next Constitutional Amendment It has been nearly...


Statement of Jeff Clements, president of American Promise, on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s...


Gerrymandering and the influence of big money in politics are issues that may both be...


Text from the Massachusetts state legislature’s website AN ACT FOR A LAW RELATIVE TO ESTABLISHING...


The Constitution outlines two methods by which a Constitutional amendment can be proposed, and 28th...