An internationally renowned futurist and business strategist, Peter Schwartz specializes in scenario planning, working with...
Within the American Promise community, we find a diversity of perspectives that parallels our nation’s...
Grassroots efforts across the United States are key to the success of the 28th Amendment....
Recently, Judy Nagel wrote an op-ed in the Wisconsin State Journal discussing how ending pay-to-play...
American Promise citizen leaders across the nation are using a step-by-step strategy to effect important...
Devin Hiett is an American Promise citizen leader and a recent international studies and journalism...
Although the overwhelming majority of Americans of every political persuasion support government action to mitigate...
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Did you know that $20 billion was spent on the last election?
We are the only democracy on the planet where this is considered normal. We have the power to turn the page — and restore some sanity to our country.
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