Jim Rubens is a former two-term Republican State Senator in New Hampshire. He served as the chair of the Public Affairs and Education committees in the Senate, as Chair of the NH GOP Platform Committee, and as a GOP candidate for US Senate and Governor. Jim is a private venture investor, focusing on New England start-ups in proprietary technology and healthcare solutions, and has been Board President of Headrest, a substance abuse program and suicide prevention hotline serving northern New England. In addition to his work with American Promise, Jim is the New England Chair of Take Back Our Republic, a conservative reform organization. Motivated by deep concern about the corrupting influence of concentrated money on republican principles, free speech and liberty for all Americans, government accountability to citizens, and competitive free enterprise, in 2018-19, Jim worked with American Promise and others to help lead the effort to pass a resolution in the New Hampshire legislature to make his state the 20th to formally call on Congress to pass and return to the states for ratification a constitutional amendment for reasonable limits on election spending. He lives with his family in Hanover, New Hampshire.
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