American Promise is leading the charge against unchecked spending in our elections, but we need more young people to join our cause. Young Americans feel the impact of money in politics the hardest. Don’t let dark money donors and special interests drown out your voice. Apply to join the Young Americans Council by March 21st.
Tired of feeling powerless to make lasting change in our democracy? Stand with American Promise to say no to the purchase of political power by the wealthy at the expense of everyday Americans. We cannot and must not let another generation pass us by without standing up to the forces of dark money and unchecked corruption. Your voice deserves to be heard, and the For Our Freedom Amendment is the first step towards a lasting, constitutional solution to bring freedom and equality back to a broken system.
We are calling upon our elected Senators and Representatives to endorse this widely supported and much-needed initiative. They answer to us–not to big corporations with deep pockets.
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According to the 2024 Citizen Data National Poll, Americans are more united than ever on the issue of money in politics.
You can take a closer look at this polling data here.
Campaign and election spending should be limited.
74.4% of those polled oppose unchecked spending.
The influence of money in politics is a threat to our democracy.
82.4% of respondents agree that this is a threat that poses a risk to American democracy.
We must pass the For Our Freedom Amendment.
77.1% of Americans polled stated that they would support this amendment.
We are young Americans from across the nation. We are Republicans, Democrats, and everything in between. We may come from different backgrounds and have diverse perspectives, but we share a love of country and a commitment to the preservation of our system of self-government.
© 2025 American Promise