I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with all Americans, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

1General Information
2Sign The Pledge
January 2, 2019

2019 Roadmap to Success

2019 Roadmap to Success

January 2, 2019
Published By American Promise

Thanks to the contributions from our inspirational, rapidly growing network, 2018 was a banner year in our work toward the 28th Amendment to get big money out of politics and assert political power for human beings. And thanks to generous contributions at the end of the year from members new and old, we’re starting 2019 with gusto, ready to move forward on a set of ambitious, focused goals with intention and purpose.

In the past year, American Promise volunteers and contributors have helped fuel a growing citizen uprising in America. In 2019, we have even bigger goals. With more than 200,000 supporters in 50 states, we’re on track with our plan to pass the 28th Amendment by 2026. Here’s a quick snapshot of our plans for the coming year.

  • Continue Building Support in Congress: With overwhelming and bipartisan support for democracy reforms among citizens, 2019 is prime to build support for an amendment among our representatives. Last year we added 27 newly elected lawmakers who had signed the American Promise Candidate Pledge, bringing our total to 151 co-sponsors in the House and 45 co-sponsors in the Senate. This progress happened because of grassroots local and state-based efforts that have led to 19 states so far formally enacting resolutions in support of this amendment. Our 2019 goal is to build up to 240 House and 50 Senate co-sponsors of the amendment. This will put us in a strong position to head into 2020 with the expanded pledge campaign and state-based volunteer effort needed for the final push in Congress. Ask your representatives to sign the pledge.
  • Grow our network of engaged citizens: In 2018 our network grew to 200,000—with supporters in every state across the nation—and we launched more than a dozen new American Promise Associations, training hundreds of citizen leaders in effective civic engagement to advocate for the 28th Amendment. Next year we aim to grow our community of supporters and launch more than 20 new APAs in cities and towns across the nation. Join or launch an APA. Share our newsletter with a friend.
  • Focus on Statewide Initiatives: A powerful effort by more than 1,000 American Promise volunteers across Massachusetts helped pass Ballot Question 2, now set to create the first state-based, non-partisan “Citizen Commission to Advance a Constitutional Amendment To Secure Government of the People.” Massachusetts voters made an overwhelming statement of support: Every city and town in Massachusetts voted Yes on 2. The measure earned cross-partisan endorsements from Democrats including Senator Elizabeth Warren and Attorney General Maura Healey and from Republicans including Governor Charlie Baker and Lieutenant Governor Karyn Polito. This success will serve as a model for other states as we prepare the ratification pathway. Our target states for resolutions in the coming year include Wyoming, Virginia, New Hampshire, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania, among others. We’ll also be launching initiatives in Texas, Oklahoma and Florida in 2019. Our target is to head into 2020 with at least 22 states in the win column for the 28th Amendment. Find out what’s happening in your state.
  • Ramp up our Writing the 28th program: In 2018, we brought our acclaimed Writing the 28th Amendment town hall meetings to Columbus, OH; St. Louis, MO; Los Angeles, CA; Richmond, VA; Boston, MA; and Washington, D.C., to take the question of what the 28th Amendment should say directly to citizen stakeholders in town halls across the country. We also participated in a nationally simulcast debate in “America’s Town Hall,” the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, where American Promise President Jeff Clements and Business for American Promise, Bay Area co-founder Elizabeth Doty debated attorney Floyd Abrams and former FEC chair Bradley Smith. In 2019 we will host four more Writing the 28th events across the nation. Learn more about the Writing the 28th series.
  • Hold our third National Citizen Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C. In June of 2018 more than 300 attendees met with politicians, journalists and democracy movement leaders from across the political spectrum to rally around the way forward for the 28th Amendment. Starting the day following the Conference, 200 American Promise members participated in our first citizen lobby day on Capitol Hill, meeting with 79 House and Senate members from both parties. In 2019 we will host our expanding community of citizen leaders in Washington D.C. and take even more action on Capitol Hill. View images and videos from last year’s NCLC.

These programs, and more, are bringing Americans together to build the powerful, unstoppable movement to win historic, fundamental reform, and secure our Constitutional foundation of equal citizens and effective self-government. We are grateful for your commitment, support and partnership.

This movement is for all of us, and as our partner your support and input are invaluable. Please do not hesitate to reach out with suggestions, questions and requests for information.

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