I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with all Americans, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

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January 20, 2017

A Statement from Senator Alan Simpson R

A Statement from Senator Alan Simpson R – Wyoming (1979 – 1997) American Promise Advisory Council

January 20, 2017
Published By American Promise

January 23, 2017

Dear fellow citizens of Wyoming:

I so wish I could be back in Laramie with you today, and I want to thank you for joining this urgent conversation regarding our democracy, and our rights and responsibilities as equal citizens in this Republic.

While my travel obligations prevent me from joining you today in person, I am fully committed to working with all of you and with Americans across our country to pass a 28th Amendment to our Constitution so that people – not money, corporations, unions or special interests, but “we the people” – govern America.

I serve on the cross-partisan National Advisory Council of American Promise, and hope that you might join in the work of American Promise: to sound the alarm and to rally our nation to secure our Constitutional foundation before it’s too late.

Money’s dominance over politics is the number one problem our nation faces.  It is a growing crisis that prevents us from tackling anything else. We have now reached a turning point: Either we are a country that makes decisions based on the common good, or one where the size of your wallet determines the worth of your ideas. Either we uphold the values of a representative democracy, or we allow greed and wealth to destroy the great American experiment in self-governance.

The 28th Amendment allows us to make the right choice.

I do not take lightly any proposal to amend our Constitution, and I recognize, as did James Madison, that we should do so only on “great and extraordinary occasions.” I believe the nation now faces such an occasion.

We need a Constitutional amendment because the Supreme Court, in cases such as Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, has made a series of dangerously wrong decisions that make effective reform virtually impossible without a Constitutional amendment.

The Supreme Court states that money to buy political influence is the same as freedom of speech. The Supreme Court decrees that the largest, most powerful corporations have the same Constitutional rights as we human beings to spend money to influence our elections.

But the Supreme Court is wrong. No one has the right to drown out the freedom of others to speak, or to deny the rights of all Americans by corrupting our political process. And no corporation can take over the fundamental, inherent rights of human beings.

We know this in Wyoming. Our state Constitution declares, “In their inherent right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, all members of the human race are equal.” Unlike the Supreme Court, we do not get confused about the differences between human beings and corporations: Our Wyoming Constitution states, “Corporations being creatures of the state, endowed for the public good with a portion of its sovereign powers, must be subject to its control.”

In our Constitution, we also insist on the truth of our political equality. This is an equality not of material goods or luck but the simple American equality where having a lot of money does not give anyone more political rights than anyone else. Section 3 of the Wyoming Constitution could not be more clear:

“Since equality in the enjoyment of natural and civil rights is only made sure through political equality, the laws of this state affecting the political rights and privileges of its citizens shall be without distinction of race, color, sex, or any circumstance or condition whatsoever….”

What right and privilege could be more important than one person-one vote: being able to stand up as an equal citizen to have your say in our political system, knowing that the political game is not rigged to favor concentrated wealth?

We need to get back to basics with our Constitution and our political system. As a nation, we cannot accept the law of aristocracy, where the political rights of people are based on their wealth.

I urge you to support a 28th Amendment to the Constitution so we can have reasonable limits on election spending, reform pay-to-play politics, and secure human liberty and equal representation rather than turn our government over to a global corporate marketplace.

Millions of Americans have signed on to support the 28th Amendment. Republicans, Democrats and Independents agree that we must do this. In Montana and Colorado, voters have approved 28th Amendment ballot initiatives by 75-25%. In November, Washington State became the 18th State to call for the 28th Amendment, with a voter initiative passing by wide margins in every region and every Congressional district – Republican or Democratic – of the state.

We can and we should put Wyoming firmly on the right side of this fight for the future of our democracy. I am delighted that my alma mater the University of Wyoming is hosting this conversation, and I look forward to working closely with you to bring the people of Wyoming and the country together to win a 28th Amendment and restore our American promise of human liberty, equal citizenship, and responsible self-government.

Respectfully and sincerely,

Alan K. Simpson

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