I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with all Americans, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

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July 21, 2024

American Promise Statement on President Joe Biden Campaign Funding in Light of Campaign Suspension

American Promise Statement on President Joe Biden Campaign Funding in Light of Campaign Suspension

July 21, 2024
Published By American Promise
In the interest of transparency and fairness in our campaign finance system, American Promise calls for clear and open communication regarding the reallocation of all donations, funding, and PAC dollars by President Biden and his campaign.

In response to reports that President Joe Biden has suspended his campaign and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris, American Promise – an organization committed to uniting Americans to ratify the For Our Freedom Amendment to empower the states and Congress to set reasonable limits on political spending, ensuring every American voice counts – issued the following statement:

In the interest of transparency and fairness in our campaign finance system, American Promise calls for clear and open communication regarding the reallocation of all donations, funding, and PAC dollars by President Biden and his campaign. It is essential that the American people understand where hundreds of millions of dollars will be allocated — regardless of whether they come from small dollar donors or multi-millionaires seeking to exert maximum influence. The American people have identified “reducing the influence of money in politics” as a top priority this year for the president and Congress. Presidential campaigns should heed this call by practicing the transparency that is crucial for maintaining trust in our political institutions.

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