I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with all Americans, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

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June 6, 2018

Citizen Leader Spotlight: Kathryn Tasto

Citizen Leader Spotlight: Kathryn Tasto

June 6, 2018
Published By American Promise

Kathryn Tasto of Sherburne County, Minnesota, helped pass a 28th amendment resolution by working with her local American Promise Association.

“I am one of millions of people who has not, in the past, been politically active, but who has been propelled into political action since the election,” writes new American Promise member Kathryn Tasto. Though she didn’t have a long political resume, Kathryn became instrumental in the passage of a local 28th amendment resolution in Sherburne County, Minnesota, one of the most conservative counties in the state. Local resolutions are important benchmarks of progress for the amendment, showing support in cities and counties across the country, and passing one is a tangible step anyone can take. She says American Promise helped empower her to make real change in her community.

Before joining her local chapter of American Promise, Kathryn felt discouraged by the undue influence Big Money holds on our political system. She recognized that our government should work for all people, not just wealthy donors, but did not know what she could do to fix it. By joining her local chapter of American Promise, she finally felt like a part of the solution.

Small Steps by Many Americans

Like many Americans, Kathryn is discouraged by the undue influence Big Money holds on our political system. She recognizes that our government should work for all citizens—not just wealthy donors. When she was approached by MN American Promise, she knew she could help in the fight to get money out of politics.

“The adoption of this resolution is a small step, and many small steps are necessary to win the amendment,” Kathryn writes. “Working at the local level, meeting with commissioners personally, requesting the adoption of the resolution, and winning the vote has given me a strong sense of accomplishment and connection to my government that I have not known before.”

Through grassroots action, American Promise Associations across the country have accomplished and continue to work toward what Kathryn and MN American Promise did in Sherburne County. This is how we win—working together through cross-partisan, citizen-led action to reclaim our democracy and get money out of politics through a 28th amendment.

“Our success in Sherburne County would not have been possible without the support of MN American Promise and the national office of American Promise,” Kathryn writes. And without the support of citizen leaders like Kathryn, American Promise would not be able to actively fight money in politics.

Learn how you can be a part of the solution by visiting the “Take Action” page of our website.


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