I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
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January 21, 2025

American Promise Celebrates Progress in Utah

American Promise Celebrates Progress in Utah

January 21, 2025
Published By American Promise

Utah is making the bid to become the 23rd state supporting the For Our Freedom Amendment. With rapidly accelerating support and growth, American Promise is supporting campaigns in 11 states this year. These efforts are key to moving Congress toward the ⅔ votes necessary to pass an amendment followed by rapid ratification of ¾ of the states.

On January 15, Senate Majority Leader Kirk Cullimore announced the introduction of a resolution in support of the For Our Freedom Amendment in the Utah 2025 legislative session. Click here to read Sen. Cullimore’s press release announcing his support.  

American Promise CEO, Jeff Clements, joined the team in Utah this week and spoke alongside Sen. Cullimore at the Sutherland Institute in a conversation about the importance of strengthening federalism while also curtailing the influence of foreign money in our elections. 

American Promise Senior Director of Programs & Campaigns Kaitlin LaCasse and CEO Jeff Clements with longtime American Promise volunteer and former Sutherland Institute Board Member Maury Giles

“Utahns overwhelmingly support taking action against the corrosive effects of dark money in politics and foreign interference in our elections,” shared Sen. Cullimore in the press release. “Federalism is at the heart of this amendment. Utah knows best how to protect its citizens from undue influence. This resolution strengthens our state’s ability to safeguard against threats from both domestic and foreign sources.”

“A core part of American freedom and our government is the role of the states in our Republic,” said American Promise CEO Jeff Clements. “Thank you to Senator Kirk Cullimore and the citizens of Utah for their leadership in addressing the influence of money and foreign governments in our elections, by supporting this constitutional amendment.”

Additionally, American Promise met with other key legislators in Utah and spoke at the Olene S.Walker Institute as part of its civics symposium and KSL radio, in an effort to bring attention to the issue of money in politics and awareness of the For Our Freedom Amendment. 

The 2024 election cycle puts a spotlight on the influence of money in elections. Spending exceeded $20 billion this past cycle, as one of the most expensive election cycles ever. More than 77 percent of Americans support the Amendment across party lines and more than 82 percent of Americans believe that the influence of money in politics is a threat to our democracy.

The resolution will be considered in the upcoming 2025 legislative session. Sign up to be part of our email list to stay informed about this legislation as well as other key moments in this effort. 

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