At American Promise we do the following:
11th Amendment, Creditor suits against the states.
13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, Nullified the Dred Scott decision.
16th Amendment, Modernized taxation reform.
19th Amendment, Won women the right to vote.
24th Amendment, Declared the ‘Poll Tax’ unconstitutional
26th Amendment, Empowered 18, 19, and 20 years old with the right to vote.
The American Promise amendment to the U.S. Constitution allows reasonable limits on the power of money in our political system. The voices and contributions of all Americans will count, with small-dollar donations incentivized and the mega-dollar donations and dark money disinformation eliminated. ‘We the People’ will decide how best to protect our rights, voices, and representation against corruption and out-of-control spending by the most powerful interests, so we can keep the promise of American freedom and self-goverment forever.
© 2024 American Promise
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