Texas State Pledge

I join the overwhelming majority of Texas to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with Texas, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

1General Information
2Sign The Pledge
State of Texas

Take a stand with American Promise and the people of Texas!

Join us today. Find out what’s happening in Texas and how you can help.
American Promise
The American promise of self-government is being undermined by special interests and dark money. Texas alone is being flooded with hundreds of millions of dollars from out-of-state interests. It’s time for elected officials to protect the integrity of Texas elections by supporting the For Our Freedom Amendment.
Matt Howerton
Political Manager, American Promise

Volunteering makes American Promise possible in Texas.

Across the nation, American Promise volunteers do the meaningful grassroots organizing work that drives our successful strategy, making a better future for us all. We offer resources and support to empower a nationwide network dedicated to ensuring every American has an equal voice in the decisions that affect our lives.

Volunteer opportunities include everything from talking with neighbors and colleagues to writing letters to the editor and gathering pledges from elected officials. No matter your skills or interests, you can meaningfully contribute to this critical work.
Texas News

Latest News & Updates

Last week in Texas, State Political Manager, Matt Howerton, and super volunteer, Ann Drumm, joined forces for an op-ed published in the Dallas Morning News.

American Promise Scholarship Competition: The Search for Our Next Constitutional Amendment It has been nearly...

Inspired by her commitment to action on the climate crisis, Texas citizen leader Ann Drumm is rallying her neighbors in north Texas and working with American Promise to make meaningful change around big money in politics in her home state. The lack of action toward solutions for the world’s climate crisis is one of the most critical and frustrating ways the influence of big money stymies legislative action in our...