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October 6, 2017

Tampa Bay American Promise Association works with St. Petersburg City Council to Pass Local Resolution to Abolish Super PACS

Tampa Bay American Promise Association works with St. Petersburg City Council to Pass Local Resolution to Abolish Super PACS

October 6, 2017
Published By American Promise

St. Petersburg, Florida – October 5th, 2017 – The St. Petersburg City Council voted this week 6-2 to abolish Super PACS and limit spending by corporations who take money from foreign donors. This is unprecedented.

St. Petersburg’s City Council has sent a resounding message to the nation, but it’s the engaged citizens who made this an issue in the first place. Thanks to the Tampa Bay American Promise Association, whose members worked alongside members from Free Speech for People and the League of Women Voters to win this first in the nation ordinance to defend our democracy. This ordinance is the result of civic engagement, and testament to the fact that when people engage in the democratic process, commonsense policies result.

Join American Promise and get involved in your community today!

“In most homes, neighborhoods and communities, the fundamental questions are the same. Will the means for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be secured for all?” says Jack Donovan, American Promise member and Pastor speaking to the City Council. “I suppose that almost all of us sense that the moral ideals and the functioning of the American Democratic system that secure these rights are being eroded by the powers of extreme wealth and immature selfishness.”

The number of Super PACS in our country has roughly doubled since 2012. Wealthy donors are able to bypass campaign contribution limits by funneling money through Super PACS, pouring unchecked sums of money into political campaigns. We work towards a 28th Amendment to place reasonable limits on campaign contributions for just this reason.

“The City of St. Petersburg is leading the way in the fight to reclaim our democracy,” says John Bonifaz, the Co-Founder and President of Free Speech For People. “Today’s vote by the St. Petersburg City Council marks a huge victory for the people all across the city who have stood up to demand an end to Super PACs and foreign-influenced corporations threatening the integrity of their local elections. This ordinance will be a model for communities throughout the nation on how to fight big money in politics and defend the promise of American self-government.”

Our founding fathers intended our country to be of, by, and for the people. This foundational truth is under attack, and it’s our job to protect it. We fight so people – not money, not corporations, not special interests – govern. Victories like this is St. Petersburg, FL are a reminder that when we work together, we can, and will, reclaim our democracy.

Join American Promise and get involved in your community today!

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