I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with all Americans, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

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February 16, 2018

Wyoming Promise Bridges Political Divide for the 28th Amendment

Wyoming Promise Bridges Political Divide for the 28th Amendment

February 16, 2018
Published By American Promise

By Wambui Gatheru, Citizen Empowerment Coordinator (wambuig@americanpromise.net)

Wyoming Promise citizen leaders are gearing up for a 2020 ballot initiative calling on Congress to overturn the disastrous Citizens United vs FEC decision, that gave corporations human rights and stripped citizens of fair and free elections. This will be the first initiative put to voters in Wyoming since 1996.

Read the latest piece published in the Sheridan Press about this effort here!

This mission will require over 38,000 signatures from voters in Wyoming, and will be fueled by hundreds of volunteer citizen leaders. This effort, according to Wyoming Promise chair, Ken Chestek, began with 3 people and has grown to more than 270 volunteers in over 30 counties, all working together for the 28th Amendment.

Want to join citizen leaders like these? Get involved!

Their plan to win this historic ballot initiative? An emphasis on crosspartisan collaboration to deliver a crosspartisan solution. “To handle this, to process this, people have to put it on a party,” said Dick Shackelford, a Republican and local volunteer with the Wyoming Promise initiative.“It’s neither. It’s not partisan. It is individuals’ ability to affect their government.” Throughout the entire ballot initiative process, Wyoming Promise volunteers have maintained a strong emphasis on crosspartisanship.  “We certainly don’t check our political affiliations at the door,” Korfanta said. “But we are a cross-section of all parties, and we’re talking and problem solving and learning from each other. I think that’s improving our community.”

Other members of the group echoed similar sentiments; Pat Brackely said, “I’ve been a Republican just as often as I’ve been a Democrat. I don’t consider myself politically astute, but people I admire started talking about this… it’s such an easy step to take. Money has muddied our system, and this will not correct everything, but it’s an easy step forward that we all can take.”

Inspired by this incredible leadership? Join the 50 state Citizen Uprising in your community!

Wyoming Promise’s efforts are a perfect model for how we will win the 28th amendment–together. The 50-state Citizen Uprising to end the tyranny of special interests dominating policy is well underway and continues to grow.  Americans of every background are coming together for this historic movement. With over 80% of Americans ready for big money to get out of politics, we’re on our way to victory.

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