I join the overwhelming majority of Americans to demand an amendment to the United States Constitution to end the domination of big money in politics and give voice to all Americans.
I will stand with all Americans, without regard to party or other differences, and urge all candidates and elected officials to do the same, in order to pass and ratify such a constitutional amendment as soon as possible.

1General Information
2Sign The Pledge
American Promise
"I have never been more confident that we will win the For Our Freedom Amendment to fix what Americans agree is the number one threat to our democracy: unrestrained money and corruption in politics." – Jeff Clements 
American Promise
Entities Owned by Foreign Governments and the Biggest Beneficiaries of Political Spending are Working to Overturn the Will of 86% of Maine Voters.
American Promise
"I have never been more confident that we will win the For Our Freedom Amendment to fix what Americans agree is the number one threat to our democracy: unrestrained money and corruption in politics." – Jeff Clements 
American Promise
The Problem of Foreign Money in Politics Report Showcases How Foreign Interests Are Spending Massive Amounts of Money in U.S. Elections
American Promise
We dive deep to report on how unlimited money affected the 2022 Pennsylvania Senate Election in our updated report.
American Promise
Senator Hawley’s bill would prohibit publicly traded corporations from using Super PACs and so-called “independent spending” to influence elections.
American Promise
More money and bigger war chests inevitably lead to more corruption, more influence by dark money interests, and less representation by everyday Americans. Which is why over 86% of Americans believe that the influence of money in politics is the major threat to our democracy.
American Promise
“This follow up report demonstrates a frightening trend of exponential spending by a powerful donor class in our elections. Without the ability for Americans, and our States and Congress to set limits, we cannot fix the direction we’re heading – one far from the Founder’s intention or anything resembling genuine self-government.” – Jeff Clements
American Promise
A nationwide poll shows strong cross-partisan support for a constitutional amendment that would allow Congress and the states to reasonably regulate and limit money in our campaigns and elections.
American Promise
A state poll shows strong cross-partisan concern for the influence of money in politics and support for a constitutional amendment to fix it
American Promise
American Promise co-hosts the American Democracy Summit in Los Angeles September 27-29, 2023.
American Promise
Rotary Clubs and other civic organizations bring together businesspeople and community leaders for nonpartisan education, engagement, and service.
American Promise
We formed American Promise to say, well, let’s get a Constitutional solution. And that’s a big deal.
American Promise, Legal
State Senators Jim Rubens (R-NH) and Rick Bennett (R-ME) submitted written testimony before the Committee on House Administration entitled “American Confidence in Elections: Protecting Political Speech.”